March 17, 2017


Bring STEAM learning into your home by sharing these fun facts about St. Patrick's Day with your kids!

Our FuzePlay team has been hard at work!  And though we believe hard work will get us far, it's always nice to have a little luck! 🍀  From eating black-eyed peas on New Year's Day, to finding a four-leaf clover, to the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow, people have some interesting superstitions. 👾  But did you know there is a science behind luck?

Researchers across various disciplines have attempted to decode whether there's an actual measurable aspect to what we understand as luck. A major function of the human brain is to deal with the uncertainty of the real world to find regularities. Lucky people have been proven to have a similar ability to observe the world around them with more detail than an unlucky person. ⚡

Also in Full STEAM Ahead

Solar Eclipses: Ancient Myths and Facts
Solar Eclipses: Ancient Myths and Facts

August 18, 2017

On August 21, 2017 many on planet earth will have the rare opportunity to witness a Total Solar Eclipse.  How rare, exactly? Well, it depends literally where on earth you are at a given point in time.  If you reside primarily in the United States, then your last chance to have seen a Total Solar Eclipse was February 26, 1979.  And, the next time you will be pulling out your solar eclipse glasses won't be until August 12, 2045!  

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Women of Nasa Inspire Female Founders
Women of Nasa Inspire Female Founders

June 02, 2017

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Fun STEAM Art Fact
Fun STEAM Art Fact

June 02, 2017

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Tech Specs

Code Zubi Flyer

Fuze Install Kit

Zubi Flyer Pin Assignments

In The Box 

Built-In Features

Electronics Parts

Microcontroller Specs 

The Zubi Flyer is the bomb dot com for makers: 5 PWM pins, 12 DIOs as well as hardware serial connections Rx and Tx. Running at 16MHz and 5V. The onboard switch-mode boost regulator is designed to operate on 3 Volts.  Power can be supplied from a 3 Volt CR123A battery or from a USB cable that provides regulated +5 Volts DC to the board. Do not run any power exceeding 5 Volts as the regulator cannot handle step-down voltage.

System Requirements

Zubi Flyer is 50% off for a limited time

Join our mailing list for 50% off the Zubi Flyer Hackable Frisbee!